W E L C O M E!
Clearly, I am your vegan friend! So Hi, Hello. I love fresh cucumber-lemon water and a good vegan chocolate bar. I find comfort in writing and taking a nice hot shower. I love anything mini, including my little girl. I found the love of my life in a grocery store and I love jamming to Bob Marley. My friends think my husband and I are Hippies and that's okay. I want to rescue a pig from the slaughterhouse one day and hope to inspire others to do the same. I love kombucha and a good comedy movie. I'm a children's book collector and I love to read. Autumn is my favorite season and I jump for joy on all Holidays. I meet my husband at the door everyday when he comes home from work and I love being in love with my best friend. Every Halloween & Christmas, you'll find me watching Charlie Brown.