Natural Baby Bottom

When I was pregnant I researched up and down for natural products for our sweet girl. I planned for everything and wanted everything ...

When I was pregnant I researched up and down for natural products for our sweet girl. I planned for everything and wanted everything so perfect. My husband and I stocked up on the Honest Company diapers and those were the diapers we were set on! But boy was I in for a crazy ride!

When our daughter was born we put her right into the cute tiny strawberry diaper from the honest company. Let me tell you, a fresh newborn in a teeny tiny strawberry diaper was ABSOLUTELY ADORABLE. I couldn't get enough! Our daughter was born with some complications that led to her being away from us for 24 hours. Within a few hours a nurse came rushing down to our room to tell us she needed a different diaper immediately. uhhhhh what?! I didn't pack any other brand... I WAS COMPLETELY STOCKED UP ON THE HONEST COMPANY! I felt so stupid! Was I supposed to pack multiple brands?! New mom alert lol

Come to find out, our sweet girl was severely allergic to her diapers. She broke out into a rash so bad that her butt was bleeding. This was all within a few hours! I cried like a baby. (Probably all the new mom hormones running through me) I was so upset! All my hard work of researching and making sure our daughter had the most natural products was going down the drain! There were other natural diaper brands but she had to have something NOW. So pampers it was. ||||**Just to clarify this now, I'm not judging any moms or dads who chose to use pampers, huggies or whatever other diapers there are! If you want to use those, go for it! You are their parent, but for us natural was the way to go.||||

Why didn't we care for pampers or huggies? Well they don't use the best ingredients in their diapers. There are a lot of toxic chemicals that are linked to cancer. Small chance, but STILL a chance. Why would I want that kind of chance on my newborn? I totally understand "everything" practically causes cancer. Why is that? Because everything these days is touched and altered by man. If I can eliminate one thing or a few things from potentially causing cancer than I will! You can't get rid of the toxins in the air but I'll buy whatever I possibly can to help our bodies out.

It was clear that our daughter was allergic to some natural things. She couldn't wear the honest diapers, couldn't use the honest lotion or shampoo. So we made the switch to burts bees. She wore pampers up until she was a few months old and then we made the switch to the seventh generation brand. We used those for awhile until they didn't work for her. THEN we tried cloth diapering. It was all natural and the closest to pure as we could get. NOPE. Rash galore. 

We eventually tried the honest company again and bam. Nothing happened! We have been using them ever since! 

Why we chose The Honest Company
- They are free of Phthalates
(Phthalates are a toxin that effects the endocrine & reproductive system)
- Free of Chlorine
(Chlorine is VERY dangerous. In diapers it's used as a bleach to whiten the diapers. The Environmental Protection Agency has identified it as a likely human carcinogen. Chlorine causes reproductive issues, developmental problems, damages the immune system and interferes with hormones.)
- Free of fragrance
(Fragrances can cause diaper rash and respiratory problems)
-Free of Heavy Metals
(Bad for central nervous system, Cardiovascular system and so much more!)
-Free of Organotins
(Endocrine disruptor, often used as pesticides!)
Like I said before, this is what we believe in, and there is no judging for anyone who uses other brands. We are just a natural family!

As for wipes, we use the purest brand on the market! Water Wipes
Literally 99.9% water and 0.1% Fruit extract. PURE. I get them from target! Amazon has them as well.
I believe that's all you need in a wipe. There is no need for fragrance.. Really there isn't. I mean we wipe our booties with dry toilet paper. We don't use anything great smelling, so why do babies? 
Cleanest brand on the market and my favorite! 

Since our girl is sensitive we have to have bootie cream on hand. She has a very sensitive stomach and some foods give her severe diaper rash. I don't believe in the diaper rash creams on the market. They just don't sit well with me and what is in them. 

Since we see a Holistic Doctor, she gave us this AMAZING "cream" They don't sell it anywhere besides her doctors office but you can totally make it on our own!
-Organic Beeswax
-Organic Calendula Oil (Comes from the petals of the flower- has natural antiseptic, anti fungal and antibiotic properties)

That's it. It's the only thing that works for her rashes and clears it up within a day. No joke. We love it! 

I hope I shed some light on some things that maybe you didn't know about! If you chose to use other brands, that's okay. Do what's YOU think is right for YOUR family! :)
We are natural, organic family and this is what is best for us!

-The hippies

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